IETF 103 Bangkok

Getting Here

Since I live in Australia, most IETF destinations are at least 15 hours in the air and often two flights. That makes Bangkok one of the closer meetings I've attended in recent times. It also means I'll be less jet lagged. I hope. I find the travel and venue discussion on the IETF Attendees mailing list always useful and this time was no different. In particular the discussion about agreeing to a fixed price or metered journey for a Taxi from the airport, prepared me quite well.

Hotel Porters

Ok, I need to whinge a little here. Most hotels will have staff out the front of the lobby who prompt you for your bags. I know the staff in some countries rely on the tips from this service so I do occasionally let them take my bags to my room. I've regretted doing so every single time. Even Bangkok is a long flight for me and all I really want to do is check in, then get to my room for a shower and change of clothes. Instead I get to my room and wait and wait and wait a little more for my bags to arrive. I already waited for my bags at the airport, so perhaps I've had practice.


The hotel floor plan for the meeting rooms is not easy to browse. So if you're looking for a room, you're very reliant on a map. However, there appears to be a lot more break out seating. Since it's Sunday, I may be underestimating the capacity, but there looks to be a lot of areas where folks can sit and work and chat.


I really like the paper agenda given out at registration. I know people have shared their versions in the past, but there's a few additions that make this more useful. Firstly it's printed on slightly stiffer card like paper, meaning it should survive most of the week in my pocket. There's also some good hints about where the locations are. This is useful since the Garden venue is actually on the 9th floor and not on the ground as many of us have naively assumed.

Bring On The Meetings

Ok, I'm off to the welcome reception and then a very busy week!